09 Aug 2020

Regionalism and Sub-Regionalism in South Asia (ft. Ambika Vishwanath and Riya Sinha)

Ambika Vishwanath and Riya Sinha

Episode 1: Regionalism & Sub-Regionalism in South Asia

In the first episode of The Bridge Project Exclusives in collaboration with Kubernein Initiative, we talk about regionalism and sub-regionalism in South Asia and the non-traditional security threats associated with it.

We are joined by Ambika Vishwanath, Co-Founder of Kubernein Initiative and Riya Sinha, Research Associate at Brookings India. 

Ambika is a geopolitical analyst and water security specialist with over 13 years of experience in the field of governance and foreign policy. You can follow Ambika on Twitter @theidlethinker

Riya has over four years of experience in research on regional integration in South Asia, particularly in the area of trade, investment and building supply chains. You can follow Riya on Twitter @_RiyaSinha

In this episode, we traverse various themes that are not only sticking points in the region, but impact global politics at large. We look at issues of multilateralism, trade, infrastructure, energy, tourism and border politics, while keeping an eye out for the future trajectory of the region.



1. Riya Sinha & Niara Sareen, India’s Limited Trade Connectivity with South Asia, Sambandh Regional Connectivity Initiative: Brookings India, 26 May, 2020

2. Riya Sinha & Bhumika Sharma, Travel South Asia: India’s Tourism Connectivity with the Region, Sambandh Regional Connectivity Initiative: Brookings India, 23 July, 2020

3. Sanjay Kathuria, A Glass Half Full: The Promise of Regional Trade in South Asia, South Asia Development Forum, Washington, DC: World Bank


1. Tanja A. Borzel & Thomas Risse, The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, OUP, April 2016

2. Lorenzo Fioramonti, Regionalism in a Changing World Comparative Perspectives in the New Global order, Routledge, 10 April, 2014

3. Zia Haider Rahman, In Light of What We Know, Picador India (22 May 2014)

4. Amitav Ghosh, The Hungry Tide, HarperCollins (6 January, 2011)


1. 7 Years in Tibet (1997)

2. The Borderlands (2020)

The Bridge Project (2020), “Regionalism and Sub-Regionalism in South Asia”, Exclusives in Collaboration with Kubernein Initiative (4.1), 09 Aug 2020, URL: https://www.buzzsprout.com/921337/4914566

Research Credits:
Urmi Tat (Host), Prarthana Puthran (Research Assistant)

Music Credits:
Inspired by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Episode 01 of an exclusive podcast series in collaboration with The Bridge Project.

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